Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowed In

Here in Connecticut we had an extraordinry snow storm .  I don't ever remember seeing this much snow fall at one time.  Everything looks beautiful.  Schools are closed for a second day...although the roads seemed fine by yesterday afternoon. It's a great day to be holed up with a warm fire, a cup of hot cocoa, and a good book. Alas, I'm off to work.  I hope anyone who is stuck at home is able to enjoy the peace and quiet a good snow brings.

photos by j huestis

I don't know who was enjoying the snow more, my son or our dog.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny,

    I cant belive I found you on Facebook!..
    Very impressive career, love your work, my wife will go crazy for your style

    How is Tom?

    Did you know that Lisa Radakovich is some big time opera singer in NYC?

    DO you ever get to Boston?

    Always a blast to reconnect with the peeps from 15241
